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The IRL story contest: Closed Thread~

So as you guys know, there were a thread where people posted some of their life experiences with supernatural stuff. And i gotta say, some stories really do send a chill in your spine!! Like.....seriously.....i'm pretty much about to believe in ghosts...
ANYWAYS!!!! Here's the thing!! many of you guys maybe didn't get to read the stories since there were too many comments. So i have decided to make a closed thread with only the stories...
AAAAAND make this a contest at the same time!! Huehuehue, i didn't tell you guys there'll be a contest cause then there'll prolly be too many made up stories!! but i wanted only real ones!!
So read the stories from the comment section and vote the one you liked most. and by that, i mean the one you thought was most scary!! Voting time will be from now to 48 hours~
Oh and.....the winner will get his/her ava put in the channel banner for a week!! Our master banner maker Savage Suoh will make sure you look fabulous in the middle of the banner!! }:D

    Story by: Devil Jin
    This is a story about my friend
    that happened to her like we we playing hide and seek outside and she got slapped out of no where. she was crying out loud. At first we thought that it was a prank but after watching the hand marks. on her cheeks. we stopped playing in evening after 7 pm.
    that happened to my aunt.
    she was at her friends house and there she heard voices. At first she ignored that as thought like her ears are playing game with her. But after 1 am a black figure appeared in front of her and said stay away from this place.
    happened to me.
    i was watching tv late night and smone just jumped behind me like i felt the air pressure also i heard the noise. I turned around and no one was there.
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        Story by: Jkolby
        I remember when I was around 5 years old, I was in bed looked out the window and saw a head with red eyes then it moved closer to the window. Weird thing it kinda looked like a wolfs head. The face was black, like a shadow you couldn't make much detail out of it, a nose like a wolf, pointy small ears, red eyes. Only saw the head through the window.
        I just remember running downstairs to my parents the odd thing is my room was on the second floor there is nothing under my window.
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            Story by: ☆Suzu 鈴☆
            When I was small... My aunt used to live 20 min away from our house. 
            And she came to visit our house. It was around 8 in evening and my parents were out. 
            She talked to me for a while....and left.. @-@
            But later mom called me from the hospital where my aunt was,"supposed to be" and said, "Your aunt died just now ".... 
            It was shocking... I got sick for several days... Cause i couldn't able to stop seeing her face.. It was hard for me to stay in dark for few min also..
            This why I do believe in ghost or spirit Q-Q
            I'm still scared of dark ;-;
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                Story by: Eva-X
                I have encountered a jewish ghost before.
                A couple years back I went out to the convenience store to get some snacks and I estimated that I would need approximately $3.50 for my expenses, so I grabbed $3.50 exactly before leaving to go to the store. My theory is that a jewish ghost overheard that I was getting money and the sound of my pocket change infatuated him. I think that the greedy jew ghost wanted all of my shekles for himself, so when I was walking to the store he pickpocketed me and ran off with my money. That is the only logical explanation I could come up with for why I did't have $3.50 when I arrived at the store.
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                    Story by: Zydrate addict -rei-
                    (don't be scared by the size, it's worth reading)
                    Ok so this is a ghost story and a drunk story ...
                    me being a great human being, I used to get drunk quite often in the university.. 
                    I was living at some rent houses about 20 min walking from the university, but to get there I had to take some shortcuts and there was no really much of street light....
                    so one night I was returning home .... it was about 2 or 3 in the morning... I was not so drunk ....... and suddenly I notice there is someone coming my way, like u know in the dark u see the shadow moving...
                    yeah normal ppl will be like the f... and run away.... but for some reason I though it was one of my friends... like u know going to the store.. or something... since I myself have insomnia is not rare for me to go shopping in the middle of the night....
                    after a while I realized ... we been walking but we haven't reach each other... 
                    so have to remember that this is my not thinking clearly in the middle of the night in a semi dark road in the middle of the country side in japan... like waaa....
                    So yes I keep walking and I star waving.. the shadows waves back... so I keep walking towards it, for some reason and this is the part that should have freak me but u know alcohol... I reach a place where I had to turn... and the shadow is going the other way... like there was a "Y "road...
                    since I was thinking that was my friend.. I was like where is he going....
                    ok I have to say the friend I though this shadow was, is also kinda crazy, like once drunk felt into a rice paddle... and he is also my next door neighbor
                    so coming back to this... I rolled my eyes... and I hesitated to follow the shadow.. but I was more in need to get home, so I just screamed at it ... "stop being an ass and go come home" ...
                    then took the road home ... reached home and died...
                    Next day, I see my friend n asked him, what the hell was with him last night ...
                    as it turns out, my friend didn't go out the night before
                    and the road that the shadow took, reach to cemetery...
                    like for reals in the rest time of my university I could never visit that cemetery... and after I would take a flashlight to walk back and from home... also I started singing in the dark..
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                        Story by: ¤冥王 Silvers Rayleigh¤
                        Okay heres the story
                        My 30 years old uncle is engaged to a 18 years old woman, a woman who is enraged by that curse [santau to be specific] my uncle along with his siblings, they have this glittering stuff on their body which is grounded glass powder thingy.They will always feel tired and stuff, meanwhile my uncle fiance got 2 spirits that "protecting" her.My uncle tried many stuff to clear the problem.When he met a shaman to hel him, the shaman give my uncle a stone to prove his "power".Anyone who hold the stone is invicible [cannot be harm easily], after some stuff the problem solved and they got married.But his fiance can still see [blurly] spirit, once my uncle took her to a haunted hill just for fun [my uncle is kinda cray cray] she saw a foggy light behind their car.
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                            Story by: Anuy-p
                            ....woke up when my dead dog sat next to me and i could feel her breathe and all but nope didnt see anything when opened my eyes.
                            Umm then i was seen this man in my room and some animals like a big black cat and yea...
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                                Story by: Mimi
                                So when I was in college I was living in a rented house with another girl. That house had two floors, and the owner of the house was living somewhere else, so the floor above us was empty.
                                From time to time, I heard some noises from above, but I thought it must be some cat..and then one day I was having dinner with her, and the sound of things falling off on the ground came from above. Then my friend said that she used to hear noises coming from there but she couldn't understand what was doing that...cause that day, there wasn't even wind outside.
                                After that there was one day that I was in my room....I had my door opened.....
                                and then....from the corridor....I heard the voice of a woman sighing.
                                So I slowly got up....and went out the room through the window xD
                                I returned after a few hours, though...oh well
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                                    Story by: HellYeahNeko
                                    When I was a kid we used to live in a big house and one night (everyone was fast alseep), there was suddenly loud crashing noises from the livingroom. It was like someone is opening the closet doors and then close them with a BAM. When my mom got down there the noises where still going on but there was nothing. It lasts for hours and our only neighbour didn't heard anything at all.
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                                        Story by: *Savage Suoh* 𝓩𝓞ℳ-𝓣𝓐ℳ #0
                                        We were watching a Ghost video on 3wks ...ago.....we watched the video the first time...nothing happened....second time we watched it...we decided to pause and zoom on the ghost...the moment we did lights went friéndz skype crushed...ändmy other friendz..pc shut downed.....we couldn't do any call for 2hrz straight...fùck thät was creepy asf!
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                                            Story by: DB(Dark Brightness)
                                            Story from night a scroll I had although a short one,it is kinda creepy...
                                            I had gone with some friends of mine,welp we had a celebration and we got a bit drunk,expect from me,cause we agreed that someone should not drink to keep others at check... Anyway we were going through the town and we were passing through a small church.It was a side off the road and it was night time... As we were having fun and other stuff,I sudenly saw a small light turning off... I thought that I was drunk,before I saw a shadow pasing through... 
                                            I acted like nothing happened ,but I always looked at that church window until it was out of my sight wield...
                                            The creepy fact is that church was a really old one and in that area many people had suicided...
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                                                Story by: THE AJTAP
                                                ~~~~ THIS IS ALL A RECOUNT FROM MY MOTHER ~~~~~~ 
                                                tbh, I don't remember any of this happening other than lily's death...
                                                I have sleep talking "attacks" as mum calls them, in which i talk to a young girl named lily. The conversation vary from quiet mumbling, to yelling and in one case screaming. 
                                                The thing is, a girl who went to my primary school and died shortly after leaving in year 3 was named Lily. I never really spoke to her but always had a huge crush on her and she had come over to my house several time (family friends).But it wasn't until about 3 years ago, I found out she died...
                                                To this day I still talk to Lilly in my sleep. It has been recorded (but Internet confidentiality and all :/) 
                                                One day when i was in year 6, I had the aforementioned screaming attack, yelling kicking and sweating heavily, When mum came in to calm me down (it had become a routine by now) she found me sitting upright eyes and mouth open wide as possible. I whisper Lilly's name 3 times before lying back down eyes still wide open 
                                                Mum being suspicious, closed the door immediately thinking I was just faking (never had an attack been so violent) but she had to come back in when I started screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOO" as loudly as I could. She said that when she came in to take me into her room, I was drenched in sweat but had skin as cold as ice. Oh and that I didn't blink once. 
                                                The funny thing is we had a priest come to the house, and check if everything was alright with me. 
                                                His only comment: "There is more a presence here than there should be for 3 people" (or something along those lines.)
                                                More of a possession than a ghost sighting but still supernatural none the less. ;)
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                                                    Story by: ◆ Darkness ◆
                                                    there was this one time when i was in school and asked to teacher to go out to buy some water to drink my medicine and i was walking in the school ground on the football court that was covered with dust and suddenly a crazy wind started blowing and i looked back and the dust was like taking the shape of a human standing.
                                                    It was like just a frame of a human ....... it disappeared after 4-5 secs when the wind stopped.
                                                    Of course i thought i was just imagining things and never mentioned this before XD
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                                                        Story by: Kawaii >.< *zom-kit-fam#26*
                                                        ...on my exam... I thought tat no one is watchin me cheating...but I felt like someone is watchin me...and there was no one..and teacher caught me...;-;
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                                                            Story by: TheUltimateGermanBish Fate
                                                            While I lived in Germany 2 months after a friends death. I swear he stopped a car from running me over. I didn't see him but I heard his voice clear as day
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                                                                Story by: Blue
                                                                So I think I only saw ghost once, it was a girl, with no face.. I was on a horse cart.. and I was filming as we rode around the town.. and it was almost dusk.. and suddenly bam *heart attack
                                                                hah.. I saw a reflection.. a vivid.. Idk I was crazy silently panicking, can't breath properly.. I saw a faceless girl in the screen .. but when I scout looking at the area with my own eyes.. still shivering.. she was not there.. let out a sigh of relief.. but I still need to brave myself to open the stop the recording, and delete it from the memory card.. in the gallery.. so I just kept silent until we stopped. I was literally dead for half an hour, because I felt cold af.. and all of a sudden.. my friend said.. "Why are we moving so slow".. yeah the cart felt heavy.. I became a pale statue. Paler.
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                                                                    Story by: ♛𝓜𝓲𝓴𝓪 - 𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓷
                                                                    Idk if this counts, but I often see my dead mother...
                                                                    She is always staring at me from behind, and she won't disappear...
                                                                    Not until someone comes... But I think that it's just an illusion my brain creates...
                                                                    Who knows, maybe she wants to kill me.. She failed while she was alive, so maybe she is still trying, even after death.... she was always stubborn..
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                                                                        Story by: Yasui Kenji |ACW| {Zom.Fam}
                                                                        This is going to sound really cliche but whatever XD
                                                                        Over the summer, me and my family moved into a new house. Its pretty old, so it was kinda creepy from the get-go.
                                                                        While we were moving in, me and my brother thought it would be a good idea to go check out the attic (This is where the cliche starts XD)
                                                                        First of all, the light didnt work. So instead we just used the flashlight on my phone. At the rop of the stairs, the was an pld antique chair, if someone sat in it, they would be looking right down the stairs...
                                                                        We looked around a little, and found and old doll... As a funny prank if sorts, we set the doll in the chair to scare me mom.
                                                                        We went downstairs, and a few minutes later the doll came flying down the stairs..
