Oh FCK this shit hurt my eyes. ~ by atom
This thread came to my empty mind after watching a dinosaur age anime, what was its name again ?? legend of gaylactic faggots or something.
So after watching just the first episode I dropped the shit out of it, reasons for that other than that its bore me to tears.
Was it nearly blinded me with its crappy animation.
And this throw me back in to the loop, the loop that every time I try to watch an anime that's not from last five years I end up dropping it on its first episode cause of the atrocity that is the horrible animation in them.
So after watching just the first episode I dropped the shit out of it, reasons for that other than that its bore me to tears.
Was it nearly blinded me with its crappy animation.
And this throw me back in to the loop, the loop that every time I try to watch an anime that's not from last five years I end up dropping it on its first episode cause of the atrocity that is the horrible animation in them.
Seriously, I can never figure out why would some asshat want to watch this (less) gay star wars fan fiction.
When they can watch this

What I found out is that, they don't actually enjoy watching these oldass anime.
They just pretend to like them, so they can look cool.
"Oh, look I have watch this old ass anime that you may even never heard of, FCK I bet you can't even pronounce its name correctly".
They just pretend to like them, so they can look cool.
"Oh, look I have watch this old ass anime that you may even never heard of, FCK I bet you can't even pronounce its name correctly".
What they don't realise that they have wasted their time watching a piece of crap when they could have easily spend that time watching quality piece of entertainment like naruto or code gayass grass, just for the sake of being unique and different.
Not to mention all old anime are basically rip off modern anime , berserk is just killito rip off in faggy middle ages.
The above legend of whatever shit is just a less intelligent, poorly thought of rip off of code geass.
They just replace all those intelligent and well thought strategies of code geass and replace them with asspulls and Mary sue characters.
The above legend of whatever shit is just a less intelligent, poorly thought of rip off of code geass.
They just replace all those intelligent and well thought strategies of code geass and replace them with asspulls and Mary sue characters.
So, why watch these poorly drawn, horribly animated rip offs when you can watch same thing with better writing and higher definition.
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