"The Bumping Saga: Vol 1. Chapter 1: Old time memories"

As a natural rule in
this website, there will be no such things as disclaimers. Disclaimers served
the purposed of highlighting the rights of the characters which are in this
story. Unfortunately, there just aren’t such rights. This is a fun only website
and thus, no disclaimers. However, I will include a few words first.
First of all, I’m not
sorry about the yaoi I wrote, Keth. Deal with it. Toya didn’t complain so he
probably enjoyed it. Alas, this is just for the purpose of clarifying that this
isn’t personal. Anything which might seem to be offensive in this story doesn’t
go beyond as something which was utilized for the sake of fun purposes and so,
the necessity to take it with a grain of salt is at stake.
Also, this will be
shoujo ai. This will mainly revolve around the relationship between the two
main characters and it won’t be rushed, so there isn’t any need for one night
stands okay.
A common question that
is asked nowadays would be what is love? Some would answer that is the
proximity between two people regardless of the gender. The physical intimacy
between two individuals could also be interpreted as affection yet isn’t that
purely lust for the most part? Should love really be a mandatory thing that
comes nowadays? I disagree with that. If something is forced and shaped in a
way that I strongly object then that something cannot be called love.
Love huh? Mhmmm… A
feeling that I would want to feel all the time? Just imagine the tingling
sensation of wrapping your loved one and shower them with love. I think that
love comes from a mutual consent though. For example… People who want to be
together should have reasons as to why they want to be together, right? It
needs to be more than that. I just… can’t accept love that is a tradition or a
way to entangle two people up. Also… I don’t deserve love, so it’s fine, but
thanks for asking!
I remember it now, it
was in a very long and distant summer, where all things were still the same and
nothing was away. Looking back at it now, the times weren’t so bad. If there is
something that I like then it would be the feeling of nostalgia. It’s not as if
I can’t move forward but it’s a feeling that will always keep me at bay, no
matter how much I try to push it away.
Ann: Can you believe
it? Some “fans” have the nerve to say that she wasn’t in her best at
yesterday’s performance. They have this audacity to call themselves fans when
they can’t even support her!
Yuki: It’s alright
Annie. They can’t possibly understand her… We, on the other hand, can. They’ve got
bad blood.
Ann: At this rate they
will be surprised about what they will make me do.
This is my friend,
Ann. Although, I like to call her a sister. She doesn’t mind it, so it’s fine.
We adore Taylor Swift. Well, calling it “adoration” would be an understatement,
but we really love her. A lot of people refuse to listen to her for some
reason. I’ve learnt to not judge a book by its cover yet I suppose that doesn’t
apply to others. Her deep messages in every single one of her songs are
practically bliss. This isn’t an exaggeration, really.
We were in a café, for
the simple reason of relaxing and talking. We both love to talk about the
trivialities of our every day. Even though they hold little significance,
that’s okay. I don’t really mind it, besides; it’s very nice to have someone
who can listen to you.
Yuki: I invited a few
friends over. Is that okay?
Ann: Ah, for sure!
They were friends that
I haven’t seen in a very long time, so I was naturally looking forward to this
15 minutes later…
Raven: Yahallo!
Nishi: I’m so sorry we
are late! We missed the bus!
Suzu: The bus driver
was a jerk though… But we finally meet again, Yuki!
Yuki: Suzu! It’s been
such a long time!
Jade: I’m really sorry
to interrupt the mood here, but is anyone like super hungry too?
Illogical: Cheesecake
or cheesecake?
Rina: Haha! It’s so
good to be together like this again!
Our idle chat would
soon begin. I know this might sound completely idiotic, but I sometimes feel as
if there are moments which never existed in the first place. I think that the
reason for that is that those moments are too good to ever be forgotten. And,
if you can’t forget a moment while you cherish it, then it should mean that it
was a moment you will forever treasure it.
Shaderu: Oh look. It’s
the whole clique together. What an actual pathetic sight. It’s only normal
considering that they require this “unity” for them lol.
Dante: What unity?
Getting lunch every afternoon? Don’t make me laugh too hard here.
Although we were
focused on our conversation, we could all hear what they were saying. They’re a
bunch of jerks. I can’t really understand their way of thinking. So what if we
are united? What’s so wrong with that? Ah… It’s not like me to get mad at this
Ann: Honestly, that
Dante is such an egocentric prick.
Nishi: He only cares
about his height. Have you looked at his face? He looks like an Italian mob.
Jade: Well, he is
Italian. Isn’t that normal in this circumstance?
Suzu: I don’t think
so. Being a jerk out of nowhere isn’t normal.
Yuki: Just ignore
them… What good comes from conflicts anyways?
Raven: Aren’t they
just going through their puberty phase? If that’s the case then given that,
it’s natural that they are acting like that. Their attitude might be beyond our
control, but we can at least tell where they are coming from.
Ann: I disagree. They
are viewing our unity as if it’s a bad thing. They are enforcing their
isolation just because they can’t view unity as an option. Their way of
thinking is too narrow so I can’t agree that their actions or words deserve
Annie is like this
sometimes. And that’s something I like about sister. She is brave and strong
willed. I sometimes wish to be like her. Although, this argument was about to
take another shape, by the looks of it. The four boys approached our table, at
long last.
Arun: Bahaha, look at
y’all flacking like a flower!
Missy: Can someone
Arriving late, Missy
comes in.
Arun: Dafuq biatch!
Mah gremmer is perfekt!
Missy: So? What do you
want? Be quick please. I can’t stand that putrid smell that’s coming from your
mouth. Do you even wash your own teeth? Oh my god, that smell. When was the
last time you showered, you pig?
Shaderu: Alright Arun
sit back.
Yuki: Hey Missy…
What’s going on?
Shaderu: Goddamn. I was
just about to enjoy a good afternoon here but seeing how all of you have taken
over this café with your immense sexism repulses me to a whole new fucking
level. Do me a favor and leave please.
Ann: What? Why should
we leave in the first place? We were clearly here first.
Shaderu: The adults
are talking here, childs need to mind their own business.
Yuki: H-How rude…!
Shaderu: HUH!?
Yuki: Uh… I…
Missy: If there is an
adult here then it’s definitely not you. I’m not sure what you are trying to
achieve here honestly. Hey tell me, what’s this whole idea? We’ve never done
anything to you and will never do. In fact, we couldn’t bother with people who
have virginity written all over their faces, so why don’t you buzz off?
Dante: Oh no! She just
damaged my feelings! Ah, I’m so hurt right now! A virginity roast, just what
can I use against her, I wonder!
Missy: Dante, your
sarcasm is horrible, please stop.
Ronny: I’ll get on
with it. We don’t hold anything personal to you all in the first place.
Suzu: I’m not sure about
that. Everything you’ve done so far was orchestrated with an unreasonable
tendency, not to mention with a malicious intent. If anything, this is
Ronny: Please let me
finish. As you might or might not know, we boys hold a very deep pride in our
dominance and so, we dislike how you people are acting like this.
Ann: What!? That made
absolutely no goddamn sense. Just leave us alone already!
Ronny: I’m not done
talking, sorry.
Ann: I don’t wanna
hear it. You are just gonna say some unreasonable nonsense in order to
manipulate us into thinking that what you are doing is somehow justifiable.
I’ve seen through you.
Nishi: Don’t worry
Annie. Ronny keeps his word. Isn’t that right?
Ronny: You know it
Nishi: Don’t call me
Ronny: B-But…
Kyuta: You should
listen to her, Ronny.
Mello: Don’t get any
funny ideas, Kyuta.
Ronny: As I was
saying, this is merely a warning.
Missy: You’re not
making any sense. What is this all about? I let you talk because I thought you
would tell us something reasonable for once. Yet you did exactly the opposite
of that.
Ronny: That’s where
you are wrong. Think about it, what is that you all have in common besides your
gender? It’s something that you all have except us, the boys.
Illogical: We are
kinda fabulous.
Nishi: Really pretty
as well.
Ann: Good taste in
Missy: Well, we aren’t
desperate all the time.
Suzu: We shower?
Raven: We make sense
for once?
Ronny: Hahaha, no. You
are all going to be entering the DBM Academy soon. We are already enrolled
there, so we know what to expect. But, what about you people? Do you have any
idea what to expect?
Missy: Should probably
expect more retards coming up. I mean, you people don’t know us from anywhere
and yet you are acting like you’ve known us for the past week. Tell me, why did
you all bother to check on us?
Shaderu: This is
merely a warning. We like to play if fair. Don’t come crying when you lose.
Suzu: Shaderu, what
are you talking about?
Shaderu: You’ll
understand soon enough. Boys, let’s roll out.
Gori: Roll? Weed?
Kyousuke: Man, you’re
high as fuck.
Shortly after they all
left. I decided to not think about what just happened. It was probably a prank
that just had no real reason behind it.
Ann: Hey, shouldn’t we
debate this? What do you think, Yuki?
Yuki: Me..? Isn’t this
just a prank?
Rina: I somehow doubt
that. I’ve done some research and apparently the rules in the academy are
different than the usual ones. Although, that’s about it, it tells us nothing
Missy: Let’s just
relax. As long as we stand united, there really isn’t anything that can top us.
But Yuki, you need to be able to stand up to them. You can’t let them show
dominance just because.
Yuki: Haha, yes. They
are just such jerks honestly…
Missy: All men are
jerks. They think that they know it all and that we know nothing. It’s time to
prove them wrong.
Yuki: Wow Missy… You
are so… strong.
Missy: E-Eh? Where did
that come from..?
Yuki: Ah, nothing!
I think that I’ve
started to enjoy conversations like this. Seeing how some of my friends were
unfazed by what the other boys said just truly spoke out loud to me. It doesn’t
have to matter what they say, because as long as we remain united, there is
nothing that can take us down.
Psi: Uhm… Can I ask you
all something?
Missy: Psi, you need
to speak louder.
Psi: Yeah I know…
Missy: …Yes?
Psi: Ah, um… I was
wondering if we are all going to be in the same class…
Raven: I mean, it’s a
possibility, right?
Yuki: I would love
Ann: I don’t think
that they have any idea what would happen to them if they didn’t put us in the
same class.
We talked and talked
about things that only us girls would understand for the time being. We
might’ve gone into the adult territory with our talks honestly… What truly mattered
at that moment was that we were united and that we thought we couldn’t be
apart. We were fools to think that life would be so easy.
The next week.
Kuroneko: Heya Yuki!
Are you ready for school?
To be honest, I wanted
to enjoy vacation more. I also wanted to be with my friends a little longer as
well, but that’s impossible now. Although, I am looking forward to seeing all
of the girls together!
Yuki: Kuroneko!
Haven’t seen you all over the summer girl!
Kuroneko: Yeah… I was
busy… Lot of work to do.
Nomu: Hey, Kuro, call
me later, okay? Forgot to say something to you. Gotta go to class. Catch you
Some “work” she had.
She’s a good girl but a bad liar at it. Well, I suppose it’s time to check what
class I’m in and who my classmates are.
Yuki: Let’s see… The F
block is here…
As my hopes got up, I
couldn’t possibly imagine a scenario where I would be distant from all my
friends. That was, until…
Yuki: W-What is all
No one could’ve
foresaw what was about to take place in the next three years.
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