06/04/2019 - Looking back at this, I think I took too long for something so small.
“To see others suffer does one good, to make others suffer even more so. This is a hard saying, but a mighty, human, all-too-human principle.”, Friedrich Nietzsche.
Have you ever felt any joy, happiness, when bullying another person? When you see a friend of you tripping and spilling coffee on his/her shirt, you may feel sorry for him, but you sometimes can't contain your laugh. This feeling of pleasure that walks through you when you see another fail or being humiliated has a name.
The Japanese have a saying: “The misfortunes of others taste like honey.” In France they would speak of joiemaligne, a delight in other people’s suffering. The Danish talk of skadefryd, and the Dutch of leedvermaak. In Hebrew enjoying other people’s catastrophes is simchala‑ed, in Mandarin xìng‑zāi‑lè‑huò, in Serbo-Croat it is zlùradōst and in Russian zloradstvo. Romans spoke of malevolentia. The Greeks described epichairekakia ( epi, over, chairo, rejoice, kakia, disgrace). 
And so we adopted the German word Schadenfreude. From Schaden,meaning damage or harm, and freude, meaning joy or pleasure.
I was nice enough to show you how to spell this hard word
I got this idea when I was watching the opening from tokyo ghoul re:, the only good part of that disgrace got curious because I didn't knew the meaning of the word and searched more about it
Schadenfreude is a complex emotion, where rather than feeling sympathy towards someone's misfortune, it evokes joyful feelings that take pleasure from watching someone fail. we commonly see kids doing this but of course adults also do it. This is sometimes allied with katagelasticism, a psychological condition in which a person excessively enjoys laughing at others, it happens very frequently when you don't like someone and see them fail.
This feeling isn't fully negative, sometimes is a way of celebrating the fact that everyone fails or can even create an healthy rivalry that makes us push even forward. Of course if controlled. If you have problems with it try working on being a little more humble.
And of course it's hard to understand a new topic right away so its always better with examples. The subject we decided to observe was someone who showed serious psychological disorders ever since he commented in Anime is Love Anime is Life. The one and only Lake Toya. Not only does this menace treats other people like garbage, but has developed a big empathy towards little girls, a sexual empathy, that's right, Toya is a pedophile. He now tries to seduce his preys with his nice guy aura but if you let down your guard a bit you will never be the same person again.
Doesn't stop here, I was also impressed with how disgusting this could get, he reveals masochistic tendencies as well as a slight Tourette Syndrome (something that I will approach in the future). I prefer not going into much detail for the simple fact I would be crossing AIL's guidelines, making it impossible to publish my thread. I gathered a convo as proof of my words.

>>>>>Have you ever felt schadenfreude?
>>>>>This thread has 4 mistakes find them.
>>>>>Do you know anyone that gets owned by this feeling?
>>>>>Are you mean to other people?
>>>>>Compliment each other sarcastically.
>>>>>Recommend this
Fuck. ღゝ◡╹)ノ╭∩╮ >>>>>This thread has 4 mistakes find them.
>>>>>Do you know anyone that gets owned by this feeling?
>>>>>Are you mean to other people?
>>>>>Compliment each other sarcastically.
>>>>>Recommend this
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