Jimil's Rant

Something has been bothering me for a long time now. And there's certain things that I need to let people know since I may often come off as vague and be misinterpreted. 
So expect a lot of complaining and foolishness in this thread. That being said, this thread is for my own self-satisfaction and is not intended to offend anyone.
I really hope that it does though, I would be fvcking disappointed if it doesn't.
Let's start the rant now.
I would like to talk about metaphors first. I love metaphors. I really do. Only when cleverly used. And I absolutely despise them when they are overused. There's this certain metaphor being overly thrown around by the kids these days. They like to call it "salt".
I mean, fvck the etymology, your brain is not curious enough to wonder why we even use the term but you just throw it around whenever someone gets offended. The sad part is you even throw it around when a user is pissed of or showing disagreement. Basically, "salt" is your look cool on the internet card. You don't even care when and where you are using it. You see a little hesitation or a difference in opinion showing opposition
I mean... come on. You can do better than that. 
Fvcking salt. 
I can't even look at salt now without cringing because of you r3tards.
Then comes the "roast" metaphor.
Roasting is a very respectable form of humor when done correctly. And everybody should know, I repeat, everybody should know that nobody on the internet is serious. And clearly nobody gives a sh!t. So when you say you don't give a sh!t, we already fvcking know that. And these are your concepts of roast-
"You're gay
Hahahah roasted"
Seriously? How much more homophobic can you be?
Fvcking roasts. Then there's this user who would say you are trying too hard when someone is trying hard to make his/her point. Well, if a person is trying too hard it clearly is a good thing as there are way too many useless procrastinators. So that isn't even a proper roast. It is just a discouragement to dedicated person because you are afraid that later on his or her words may start making sense or his hardwork may come to fruition so why not drag them down to our level and make them useless as well, right? Lmao xdxddxd
Another type of disqus fungus I would like to bring your attention to would be the mom/sexuality/general attributes roaster. This person would reply with a rude, insensitive and hilariously offensive comment to each comment he/she sees. Well. The hilarity of the comment is OK but the users seem to over-exaggerate to the point that it just seems to be idiotic. I don't know about others but they are a general asshole to my eyes. 
For instance any user would be saying some normal stuff and this random person inserts a mom insult below the comment
Do I really need to know that? You clearly don't fvcking know anyone here. But somehow moms are always targeted or you somehow always manage to see how big the dick of the other user is or how many weeaboo pillows the other user masturbate with. That's some OP abilities mate. 
And if you really do know all that? What the fvck are you doing with your life? With skills like that I would probably track down a terrorist but you are wasting it upon some random stranger's mom? Wow.
There are many assholes over the internet but the above mentioned types are the ones which I find the most annoying. So, fvcking use the "salt" term for what it stands for and if you do roast anyone, make it worthwhile. Please. Fvcking roasts....
At least there are no KYS comments these days. But even they were better since no one took them seriously while people actually take the above mentioned, especially the salt part seriously. I mean who the fvck loses their sh!t over the internet and types paragraphs about it?
Oh sh!t
"stop being salty"
"dont be salty"
"haha roasted"
"your mum ****&@&@*"
"your penis (@&@&@"
"your gay *&^^%"
if you fit any of the above commenting categories just fvcking kys. I mean it. I really mean it. Go pick a sock or something and muffle yourself. Swallow it all the way down to the end of your trachea. Play some Mozart in the background, makes it look cool.
I am fvcking done. Finding a sock rn.

P.S If you type tl;dr you just saved yourself a lot of wasted time so congratulations. Now you can find a sock faster than those other assholes.
